Tuhan membuat segala sesuatu Indah pada waktunya.
Indah saat Dia mempertemukan,
Indah saat Dia menumbuhkan kasih,
dan Indah saat Dia mempersatukan kami
dalam suatu pernikahan Kudus.
19 Desember
Dalam rangka mengurangi penyebaran virus Covid-19,
seluruh tamu undangan wajib menaati semua Protokol
selama acara berlangsung.
Kado Digital
Dan jika memberi adalah tanda kasih Anda,
kami menyediakan nomor rekening untuk kado secara cashless.
Unexpected meeting in unexpected moments. Thank you Robby for greeting me first 🙂
The moment you took me to a fancy dinner for celebrating Valentine's day. The very first time I saw you were so romantic, asking me to be your girlfriend.
The moment I said YES and we decided to take one step further, because we want each other for the rest of our lives. Two will become one flesh.
Gallery of Love
Mohon menaati Protokol Kesehatan saat menghadiri acara pernikahan kami
Thank You